great western flat-coated retriever club great western flat coated retriever club gwfcrc flat-coated retriever society of america fcrsa flatcoat flat coat flatty flats southern california akc breeders akc dog show conformation akc huntest akc hunting test obedience agility canine dog dogs frank holbert t |
Participants included Tammy Wilson and Trevor, Brent Baharie and Kelly, Becky Kunkel and Belle, Adrienne Ayles with Chase & Wolfie, Becky Williams and (loaner dog) Justice, Sheila Vaughn and Shadow, John Sack and Ozzie, and Jericho and I.
Because this was a GWFCRC function, the classes began with lunch, held at the lovely home of Sheila Vaughn and Fred Greve and their daughter Katelyn in Dana Point. Then off to a nearby school for class.
The important thing is to have fun" Bunky exhorted, and as the fledgling handlers gained skill and confidence stacking, gaiting and free baiting, we were able to relax and have fun. The first session was a lecture on the basics of dog showing, complete with a demonstration, visual aids and a handout. The second session found us in the ring, with Bunky pointing out our various strengths and weaknesses. I've been to different handling classes before, but never one especially geared for Flat-coats. The help was invaluable. If you weren't able to make it, be sure to come next time the class is offered. See you in the ring!
Adrienne Ayles with Chase
Click here for more info about handing your FCR Last Updated 09/24/98 |