GWFCRC.gif (6267 bytes)

blu os lne.gif (1221 bytes)

blueball.gif (200 bytes)Home Page

blueball.gif (200 bytes)Upcoming Club Events

blueball.gif (200 bytes)GWFCRC Newsletter

blueball.gif (200 bytes)Highlights of Past Events

blueball.gif (200 bytes)Members on Line

blueball.gif (200 bytes)Code of Ethics

blueball.gif (200 bytes)How to Join Club

blueball.gif (200 bytes)Links to Other Sites


great western flat-coated retriever club great western flat coated retriever club gwfcrc flat-coated retriever society of america fcrsa flatcoat flat coat flatty flats southern california akc breeders akc dog show conformation akc huntest akc hunting test obedience agility canine dog dogs frank holbert

Highlights of Past GWFCRC Events

puphead.JPG (11512 bytes)

One word of warning. Many of these, no, all of these articles are photo intensive. The build time often exceeds 1 minute on a 28.8 modem. If your in a hurry save this page for another day.

Click on image to link.

senior_gallery_small.JPG (2975 bytes) 1998 AKC Hunting Test

tablefull.jpg (18949 bytes)Meeting and BBQ at Mike and Becky Kunkel's, Summer 1997

The Stand.jpg (24827 bytes)1997 Annual Strawberry Shortcake Stand

classgroup.JPG (20246 bytes)Handling Class Spring 1997

9-news-4.JPG (34514 bytes)1997 Annual Eye Clinic

FunDay9.JPG (22165 bytes)GWFCRC Fun Day Spring 1997

htgeorge.JPG (16025 bytes)AKC Hunting Test, April 1997

pspeachie.JPG (22873 bytes)Palm Springs Fund Raiser Winter 1997

xmas5.JPG (18435 bytes)1997 Christmas Party

le4.JPG (15699 bytes)Our Christmas 1996 suported entry.

shoe1.JPG (21249 bytes)   Find out why these women are laughing.


blu os lne.gif (1221 bytes)

Last Updated 09/24/98