Working Certificate
January 24, 1999
Each January the Golden Retriever Club of
Greated Los Angles holds it's annual WC\WCX. Being a member of both the Golden Retriever
Club and the Flat-Coated Retriever Club I always look forward to this event. Five dogs
from our training group entered, 4 passed!
Chase (Sterling Omega Count on Me)
returns with his last bird earning a WC.
Six in a half month old Reba (Evensong Jazz Festival) leaves
the line
for her memory bird. She pinned both her land birds.
Reba again, leaving for her duck. I love the enthusiasm this
young bitch has for birds. She picked up this bird but, had
trouble finding her last bird and was dropped.
Members of our training group who passed the Working
Certificate Test.
Left to Right;
Golden Stars Prancing Bear "Sally" Owner/Handler Pat Cooper
Golden Stars Lucky Strike JH "Jasper" Owner/Handler Chris Cooper
Peppercreek Mountain Gold "Shasta" Owner/Handler, Dave Friend
Sterling Omega's Count On Me "Chase" Owner/Handler, Adrienne Ayles
Updated 02/01/99 |