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The Adventures of Sterling Omega

Duck Hunting

I live and work in the suburbs of Los Angeles and consider myself quite lucky to be able to duck hunt just 15 minutes from my house. The following pictures were taken while duck hunting in the winter of 1997 at the "Splatter S" duck club in the Prado basin, Chino, CA. This was my first trip to the "Splatter S". It was about an hour before sunrise when we walked to the blind. It was cold for Southern California and I tried not to touch the steel of my gun. I figured we would be standing in the mud for the next few hours so imagine my surprise when I saw the blind Brent's brother, Brian Baharie had for us. High and dry with a place for our guns and shells. We brought only one dog, Kelly, since there were going to be three of us in the blind. The ducks were pretty thin that morning, we only got one but, who cares. We had a great time.


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Frank Holbert in blind, Brent Baharie with Kelly

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Kelly in Blind

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The end of a wonderful morning.

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Updated 10/14/98