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Adventures of Sterling and Omega
Quail Hunting, Thanksgiving 1997
We've done it two years in a row now so I'll
call it the traditional Thanksgiving Weekend Quail hunt. We drive up to Brent Baharie's
(owner of two FCR's) home in San Luis Obispo for Thanksgiving Dinner with friends. Friday
and Saturday we go quail hunting. This year Flatcoat owners Mike and Becky Kunkle drove up
with us.
Brent, and a small group of people own hunting
rights on a 50,000 acre ranch in Central California. On this ranch we usually see Wild
Pigs, Mountain Lion, Deer and Quail. Being the two days following Thanksgiving there is no
shortage of sandwiches. This year we had Turkey, Smoked Duck and Pheasant to carve. We
didn't see as many Quail as we hoped, but there was no shortage of fun.
We always take a select few dogs with us for
this weekend outing (yea right). This Year we took:
CH Sterling Omega's Affection (Kelly)
Sterling Omega's Count on Me (Chase)
CH Omega's Verdict is in JH, WCX (Justice)
Majestic's Christmas Joy MH, WCX (Zak) Golden
Omega's Take it to the Limit JH (Breeze)
Omega Sterling Belza Ringn (Bell)
Amber's Prairie Sunset (amber) Lab

L to R Becky and Mike Kunkle Frank Holbert and Adrienne Ayles

Our host Brent Baharie

10 month old Chase enjoys his first Quail Hunt.

Adrienne and Frank with Chase, Justice and Zak

Let's just say we did better with the clay pigeons.

Updated 10/25/98 |