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Majestic's Chrishmas Joy MH, WCX
(Golden Retriever)

Golden Prince Apollo x Golden Misty Blue

By Frank Holbert

Zak was 2 1/2 years old the first time I saw an AKC hunting test. I talked with a pro about helping me train but, was told Zak was too old and not from field lines. A month later I started training Zak to run Junior Hunter. I figured I would be happy with just the JH title. But, by the time we finished Junior, Zak was ready to run Senior, and so we did, just one week later.

Less than a year after running our first JH, Zak had earned his Junior and Senior Hunter title, WC and WCX. It was only natural to go on to Master. Never mind the dog, I wasn't ready for the big time. Zak, Adrienne and I planed on going to a out of town test where my friends wouldn't see me make a fool of myself. I didn't tell anyone we were going. Adrienne set up a dog sitter, made hotel reservations and we planed time off work 3 months before the test. When the premium arrived I was in shock, a member of our training group was one of the judges. So much for it being a secret. It was too late, I entered anyway. The next shock came as the sun was setting. The Mashall gave me one of those Orange Rosettes. Despite many errors in training my first dog, Zak earned 4 more Master legs and his Master Hunter title the following year.

Breeder: Chris Poetoehena

Owner: Frank Holbert

Updated 09/27/98